Battle Log

Friday 26 July 2019

Posted by Posted 30 July 2019, 8:21 PM by Rick and Glenda Barnard. Permalink

The last two Friday's has been busy due to the winter festival "Jumper and Jazz" in Warwick. Trees are decorated with creative artwork by local Schools, Community groups and businesses. There is music in the streets and lots of activities to attract visitors to the town. So it is good to have opportunities for sharing the Gospel to more people here at Warwick. We had a man stop and inquire about the ministry, who was supportive and a believer. He wanted to know how to order tracts as his wife is chaplain in prison ministry and said she is always looking for material that has a good clear Gospel message. Praise God for the body of Christ how God has people in different places and we can support and encourage one another. 

I had a man who I have spoken to a few times before approach me and he said that I should be handing out ten dollar notes... I grabbed the million dollar tract and gave it to him. He took it, laughed, then said, so where is the rain then. I replied that God will send the rain when He sends it and maybe He is wanting people to wake up and start thinking about what is more important and I also mentioned how God gives us the air we are breathing. We need God's reign in our hearts. He was walking down the street reading the million dollar tract. Pray for E for his salvation.

We had a good chat with a Mormon lady and we challenged her to check out Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast" and compare it to the book of Mormon which says “for we know that it is by grace that we are saved after all that we can do” - 2 Nephi 25:23. Totally the opposite! She said she would check out what we were saying about the teachings of Joseph Smith in the book of Mormon and the difference to what the Word of God says. Please pray that the Lord would open her eyes to the truth and not be deceived anymore by this false religion.

Another gentleman received a tract and was very interested in growing in his relationship with God so as we asked him about his walk and said that he was not with lord for most of his life until a few years ago when he started attending some different churches and found that after church no one really wanted to talk about God so when the Jehovah Witnesses drew him in, he was happy that he found some people who wanted to study God’s word and talk about Him and share Him with others.

He said he is searching for the truth and was open to take some tracts and the booklet Jesus is God. We talked for some time about JW beliefs and what the Bible teaches. Before he left we invited him to come back and see us again and we also challenged him that if he didn’t have the right Jesus that he didn’t have salvation. Please pray for H that our God would help him to see that JW’s are not Christians and He would lead him to a bible believing/teaching church.

All glory to our great God,

Rick & Glenda 

View previous Warwick (QLD) report (12 July 2019)


Warwick Team (QLD)

Meets each Friday 11am to 2pm - we set up a free Bibles table on the main street of Warwick.

Contact Rick Barnard for more information.